Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sleeping arrangements

South Indian nursery in an embroidery center (c)

I just came across this lovely picture of a South Indian nursery and I wish I'd seeen it 3 years ago.

You see, sleeping arrangements have been a subject of wonder and astonishment for both our families from the start of our relationship. In hubby's family, everyone sleeps in the same room, on the floor. This is a widespread situation in India in certain social groups. I remember vividly the first time I slept between my future MIL and future husband, I had been given an extra-pillow since I was a guest, but that was a terrible night. And so when hubby came to France for the first time, he assumed we would all be in the same room, him, my kids and myself. Meanwhile the kids kept asking where he would be sleeping, and I had to tell them he would be in my bedroom - with no more details. It ain't easy to explain to kids they're going to have a step-dad !

When I was pregnant with baby T, I tried to get hubby involved in baby stuff. What bed should we buy ? Hubby suggested to hang a sari from the ceiling and I flipped out. I searched internet and saw tutos of Asian guys in the USA building their baby's cribs. It didn't reassure me. I suggested a classic European bed and hubby got upset because he didn't want his child to be behind bars (funnily enough an American colleague told me the exact same thing about his baby), and what's more he claimed swings were good to calm down babies and help them digest. I did some research and found this was something that was accepted in the west. I quite fancied being a Natraj bed, since an antique Indian bed would be expensive and very difficult to find.

Antique Indian craddle. Isn't it sweet ?
A modern Indian craddle, made in China of course.

In the end, we settled for a UK made hammock for the first months, although I was a little bit worried because in France we have many safety rules and parents are told not to use hammocks for small babies, except for small naps under constant adult supervision. (I also found out at the time that the bed I used for my first two kids is now deemed to be dangerous because you could lower one side and now they think babies may trap their fingers in the mecanism !).

The hammock we chose (picture from the builder)

A few months later I installed a classical western bed with bars... but guess what hubby finally got his way after the baby had a bad cold ; we are now co-sleeping !

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